
So Beautiful | First Impressions

I haven't finished reading Leonard Sweet's new book So Beautiful but, as soon as I dove into it I new my reviews would have to span over a couple of blog entries.

So Beautiful is a challenge to the church to realize their DNA. "Just as DNA's three strands make life possible, three other elements work in harmony to make life not just pretty, but beautiful. And it's in the church where we find the greatest expression, the ultimate fulfillment, of these three components to a beautiful life".

The three components Leonard is taking about are easily remembered as M.R.I. (M=Missional, R-Relational, I=Incarnational). These are in contrast to the more common A.P.C. model of church (A=Attractional, P=Propositional, C=Colonial). One might do well to understand that while APC is a model, MRI is an already existing unrealized way of being.

In unpacking the Missional strand of our undiscovered DNA strand it's said that "Being missional is not something you do to get something done, like grow a church or sign the suceed-creed. Missional is who you are, because it is who God is." Therefore since we are all created in the image of God and God is missional we are indeed missional. We must simply unlock these aspects of our already existing DNA.

This is just a quick look at a portion of So Beautiful. I can't wait to see where the rest of this journey takes me.

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