
The Continuing Case Of The Disappearing Jr. Bacon Cheeseburger Man

It's been a few days since I blogged and this is something I must resolve. If you read my last blog about the "curious" case of the disappearing Jr. Bacon Cheeseburger man, then this will make sense. If not you're wasting your time. Go read that post then start back here. * 

I had just finished posting my last blog and packed up my macbook to go home for the evening from work when I got a call from Liberty Tax Services on my office phone. Liberty Tax Services is pretty much right next door to Wendy's. I answered the phone and low and behold "Joseph" the disappearing cheeseburger man was on the line. 

"Is this Michael?" "This is Micah, how can I help you?" "Michael it's Joseph. From the Wendy's." "Joseph! Dude, I had a cheeseburger for you where did you go?" "Well you gave me this number and told me to call you later." "I told you to call me later about a possible job opportunity. I also told you to wait so I could get you a cheeseburger." "But, you told me to call you later." "Yeah and to wait so I could get you a cheeseburger." "Oh." "You missed out Dude." "Oh." "Yeah." 

The conversation continued like this for a bit and I ended up giving him the number of a friend of mine who I worked construction for a couple of summers ago. I told him I wasn't sure if he had work, but I knew if he did have work he could most certainly use the help. I told him, I know it's not a roof over your head right now but, maybe it's a start of something good for you. 
I told him I'd be praying for him. He thanked me and quickly hung up the phone. The truth is that I may never hear from Joseph again. I may never see him again in my life. That doesn't matter. What matters is when Jesus says in Matthew 25 that whatever I do to the "least of these" I do for Him. I'm pretty sure Jesus isn't suggesting that opinion but rather He's stating it as fact. It's the consistent lifestyle of loving God and loving people... or at least trying my best to do that. 

When you pray today if you could remember Joseph that would be awesome. I'd really appreciate it but, I know he's appreciate it more. Blessings.

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