
The Idolizing Of The American Pastor

Sorry it's been a little while since I've posted. I feel like I need to post this one though. Some things have come up recently that have had me thinking about it. Let me begin with a question.

Do you follow Jesus more than you follow your pastor?

Here is what I'm getting at... I'm seeing a trend, mainly among mega-church members but not limited to them, to be more connected to and dedicated to following their pastor than they are to following Christ.

We can become so wrapped up in the messenger that we miss the message.

We can be so caught up in the journey that we forget the end goal.

We can be so passionate about our pastors that we steal passion and glory that rightfully belongs to Jesus.

I see this when college students will serve in the youth ministry, I have the privilege of being a part of, come for the youth service then leave to go home and skip the main service in order to go listen to their weekly podcast from Rob Bell, Mark Driscoll, Erwin McManus, Joel Olsteen, Francis Chan, Rick Warren, or Andy Stanley. Now I love all of those guys and I love their teaching for the most part. However, I serve as a pastor on staff at Thomas Road Baptist Church.

Thomas Road is my home.

Thomas Road is a megachurch.

If I'm going to serve here then I need to go to the main service and hear from the pastor of this church. However, if I get so attached to Jonathan Falwell or any other pastor more than I do about my relationship with Jesus then I have missed the mark.

I feel like we can do this.

Christians have begun to idolize the American Pastor into celebrity status and have taken the focus off of Jesus Christ and onto which pastor can be the most shocking or the best communicator or the most innovative.

Have we forgotten our first love?

Have we misplaced it and begun to worship creation over creator?

I pray it's not so.

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