
"I Need A Heart Transplant Because This One Doesn't Love You Right"

"You have left the love you had in the beginning. So remember were you were before you fell. Change your hearts and do what you did at first. If you do not change, I will come to you and will take away your lampstand from its place." - Revelation 2:4b-5 (NCV)

The lyric I most often connect with this passage is from the band My Epic.
"I need a heart transplant because this one doesn't love You right."
- My Epic

In the earlier verses of this passage the church in Ephesus seems to be doing pretty well. They don't put up with false teaching, they have suffered for the name of Christ. They have quite a bit going for them. From all outside appearances they look great. However, they are doing all these things for the wrong reasons. They have forgotten their first love, Jesus. They have become infatuated with doing church rather than being the church. They have become over zealous about how to do things instead of who to do them for. It reminds me of a someone in need of a heart transplant. By all outward appearances everything seems fine but the deeper issue could kill you. It seems like this is the case with this church as well. If this problem isn't fixed and if their hearts aren't turned towards God then they will very quickly have their "lampstand" taken away from them. This lampstand is the blessing of God on their church.

How do you do in comparison to these thoughts?
Are you fine by all outward appearances but dying underneath?
Have you forgotten your first love?

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